How to Install Fandor on Your Roku

How to Install Fandor on Your Roku

If you plan to log in to Fandor on your Roku, you will need to follow these steps:

Go to the Channel Store on your Roku player.

Press the asterisk symbol "*" on your Roku remote and search for Fandor. You will see the Fandor channel which looks like this:

If you cannot find the Fandor Roku app, we recommend the following :

1. Go to your Roku Settings.
2. Once you are at settings, go to "System".
3. Now go to "System Update".
4. Select "Check Now", even if you think your Roku is up to date.
5. Once the update has processed, repeat the steps above for searching for Fandor.

Select "Add channel" and confirm the selection when prompted.


After you have added the channel, go ahead and open it. If you have not already registered for a Fandor account, select "Register for FREE" to enter the registration process. You can also upgrade your membership to VIP once you have registered.

If you already have a Fandor account, select "I have a Fandor Account" and enter your username and password.

You are now ready to watch Fandor on your Roku!